On-Page SEO Services

We offer on-page optimizations with all of our comprehensive SEO campaigns. The process of on-page optimization offers many opportunities to appeal to search algorithms, as there are several on-page optimizations that will improve the rank of a webpage in search results.

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What is on-page SEO?

On-page optimization or on-site SEO is the search engine optimization (SEO) process of editing your own webpages in order to improve the visibility of said webpages in search engine results pages (SERP). This is unlike off-page SEO, where 3rd party web pages are edited to improve SEO. 

Often, improving the on-page SEO of a website improves the UX (user experience) of the website. This is because search engine guidelines were designed to improve users’ experience browsing the web. In other words, search engines promote content that offers a good user experience.

Our on-page SEO services include:

  • Ensuring target keywords exist at a 1-2% density within page copy
  • Title tag optimizations (target keyword based)
  • Heading tag optimizations (target keyword based)
  • Meta description optimizations (target keyword based)
  • Using semantically correct HTML
  • Internal link building with relevant anchor text
  • Addition of semantic keywords
  • Eliminating any 4XX and 5XX errors linked within page copy
  • Adding relevant external links with relevant anchor text
  • Adding relevant alt attributes to images (target keyword based)
  • Improving user readability

Why is on-page optimization important to SEO strategy?

Often websites will contain large amounts of copy that is not yet fully on-page optimized, in other words, search engines would appreciate some changes. By fully on-page optimizing old website copy, it is possible to improve search engine rankings without the need to create new copy.

As we begin to consider content creation needs, it is important to know what your current content is capable of. You won’t know what your current content is capable of until it is fully on-page optimized.

How do I know if my website copy is optimized?

Depending on the CMS (content management system), you may have some third-party SEO plugin options. For example, WordPress webmasters will typically turn to plugins such as RankMath or Yoast for on-page insights. These plugins will compare the copy of any page to target keywords, and provide outlined on-page recommendations.

Start with Keyword Research and Mapping

We need to understand the purpose of every piece of website content in order to optimize for optimal UX. To understand the purpose of each piece of content we need to understand the search intent that the content is supposed to capture. Because of this it is best to conduct thorough keyword research and also keyword mapping prior to starting systematic on-page optimizations.

If you are not yet keyword mapped, you are on-page optimizing in the dark, which can still be beneficial, but it is not a systematic or recommended approach. 

Schedule a Consultation

Learn more about how on-page optimization fits your SEO needs, and how we can systematically ensure on-page optimization of your entire website.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our SEO experts.



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